Thursday, April 26, 2012

My Art Studio- Currently Under Rennovation

My art studio is currently being remodeled to make it more kid friendly.  This means some major renovations are happening at the studio and it will be closed to our students this summer.  Of course, the children will still have lots of art in store for them, just in a different location.

The studio should be up and running again sometime after the summer and into the school year.  Looking forward to the new space!  In the meantime, I'll be sure to post any updates.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Studio Updates & Plans for the Summer Program

The weather is getting nicer, and school is almost out! That means there will be much more time for art with the kids...

During the school year, I teach the kids Montessori style, and occasionally we have time to work on some fine art in the after school program. However, there will be much more time for art during their summer enrichment program, and the children are all getting excited (and me, too!!). They keep asking me, "Miss Angelique, when can we go up to your studio again?" I was feeling bad every time they would ask, since I've been so busy finishing up my Montessori degree that I haven't had any extra time to take them to my studio.

For those who are just reading my blog for the first time, my art studio is currently located in the school which I work. It is somewhat hidden behind an office area and the children have to climb a big flight of stairs (with teacher supervision, of course) in order to reach my little loft studio space. For now it is cozy, and only about 8 kids at a time can come for lessons, but it is intimate and they feel special to be getting lessons in a real art studio.